November 26, 2019

Dash Box Hotel, Cyberjaya

Aku berkesempatan stay kat Dash Box hotel ni masa nak pi run kat Cyberjaya. Kebetulan time tu organiser run ada open package running slot + one nite stay kat Dash Box, so aku pun apa lagik terus amik the promo.

Diorang bagi bilik twin sharing with other runners. Ahh dun care, dok dengan stranger pun blasah janji sama jantina kan. Lagipun harga yg diorang offer agak murah dari harga biasa.

Aku sampai awal, slightly before check-in time so keadaan masih belum serabut dengan guests.

Dah dapat access card, terus pi tengok bilik dulu.

Dapat bilik Dash Twin no 115. Bilik ni jenis container room.

Ada 2 single bed with private bathroom. No TV.

Cermin tu berfungsi as pintu bilik air. Boleh slide ke tepi untuk bukak pintu.

Bilik air sizenya OK cuma takde air panas. Sejuk wehh ahkak nak kene bersiram pepagi buta sebelum pi berlari T____T.

Switches and whatnot semua diorg pasang cantik kat this side. Nicely done. 

Power socket sorang satu

Settle check-in and lepak2 kejap dalam bilik, aku kluar amik gambar bahagian luar pulak.

Container walkway tingkat atas

 View dari walkway tadik

Bilik deluxe ni semua ada parking kat depan entrance 

Cafe kat sebelah depan hotel

Untuk yg dok container macam aku, ada parking luas kat bahagian tepi Dash Box

Aku rasa cantik sangat design kat sini sebab nampak best bila all the studio & deluxe rooms semua mengadap ke arah pool.

Maskot Dash Box Hotel si arnab ijau 

Bilik air kat tepi pool 

Overall, tempat ni cantik dan sesuai utk bershortvacay dengan family. Too bad aku tak sempat nak mencelupkan diri kat dalam pool tu sebab lepas abis run ahkak sibuk nak membuta qada tidur huhuhu. Perhaps next time bleh angkut anak2 sedara main pool kat sini. Sesambil tu leh pasang angan2 nak gi carik si kembar arnab biru kat Langkawi sana huhuhuh.

November 21, 2019

Watching an impressive performance at Encore Melaka

Encore Melaka adalah new attraction kat Melaka. Baru tak baru tu adalah dalam setahun lebih gitu dah. Minggu lepas aku berkesempatan utk pegi tengok performance diorang and all I can is that, it was really an impressive one.

Ape Encore Melaka ni?
Ok meh ahkak nak citer sket.

Encore Melaka ni basically is a theater performance. Sapa2 yg suka gi tengok play/theater, I'm sure you will love this. The story is about history of Melaka & life stories of the locals. Tapi this is not just an ordinary play. This is a performance where history meets technology.

First of, the seating place is actually a rotating 360-degree platform facing 4 different stages.

Untuk setiap scene, they will be using different stages with different stage setups.
Lepas tu pulak, throughout the performance, there will be a 3-D projection mapping on the stage, creating a virtual reality image. Mmg at some point of the performance aku rasa macam  i was floating in the air because the 3D image adalah sangat real even without the VR glasses at all ye.
And then the stage adalah multilayered stage as if macam kita tengok cross section of a tiered building. Mmg high tech sungguh theater design diorang ni.

Kitorang amik show pukul 5:30pm. By 4:30pm kitorang dah sampai sana. Nak masuk sini mmg follow waze semata2 sebab tak familiar this area. Dari jauh lagik dah nampak building ni sebenarnya sebab besar sesgt and we were like 'Eh mcm building kat China sana je kan?'. Sampai2 je nampak pak guard dok usher masuk parking. Ada parking bertingkat kat tepi bangunan Encore Melaka ni.

Parking bertingkat Encore Melaka

View Encore Melaka dari parking lot

Ample space kat parking lot so nak parking takde masalah. Diorang ada sediakan shuttle bus utk sapa2 yg taknak drive datang ke sini. Maklumlah jalan kat Melaka tu jem dia mmg tahap bleh mendatangkan amarah jugak kan huhuhu.

Keluar dari parking lot, turun escalator terus akan jumpa ticket counter. Ticketing kiosk pun ada jugak.

Sebelah ticket counter ni ada Encore Melaka merchandise shop.

Lepas collect our tickets from one of the marketing execs,we were given a tour round keliling this huge white building.

Serius bangunan Encore Melaka ni sangat cantik and majestic gitu. It actually reminds me of two buildings that I've seen before, the Water Cube kat Beijing and Dongdaemun Design Plaza kat Seoul sana. And the slanted structure kat area entrance tu dah ala2 macam The Louvre kat Paris.

This place adalah sangat instaworthy. Semua angle adalah cantik.

The back part of the building betul2 ngadap Selat Melaka. It is a very good spot untuk amik gambar sunset.

Oh btw, utk sapa2 yg penah tengok movie Boboi boy, dalam video clip OST by Faizal Tahir tu some scenes were taken kat tepi Encore Melaka ni. Nampak mcm building kat oversea sangat kan.

Abis pusing, tengok jam dah 5:10pm. Kene masuk awal sebab kalau lambat, diorang tak benarkan kita masuk dah sebab the entrance to the seating place adalah through the stage itself.

Masa nak masuk dalam, diorang akan buat bag check. Camera is not allowed, but mobile phone is ok. Diorang ada provide locker untuk simpan camera.

 The entrance

There are 7 scenes in the performance, starting with how Melaka got its name, followed by the journey taken by Cheong Ho, and the rest are about Melaka's history & culture.

3D projection image on the stage

Drum performance marked Cheng Ho's arrival in Melaka

 The image projected are the history of Melaka. The houses and people in the background is the actual stage prop and live performers.

The background image is so real. 

Stunning water and lighting performance 

Throughout the performance, there are 3 narrators, one for each: Malay, English, Chinese. The narrators appear in some of the scenes.

At the end of the performance, all 200 performers came to the stage, waving goodbyes to the audience with the theme song at the background.

70 minit terasa sangat sekejap untuk this non-stop performance. We left our seats feeling so full of history facts (mcm bukak balik buku sejarah zaman skolah dulu) and so fascinated and amazed with the techniques and arts used in this theater performance. Thumps up to Encore Melaka!

Ramai yg datang tengok Encore Melaka ni, mostly tourists.

Sebelum keluar, one staff approached us untuk fill up a feedback form. Just bagi honest review about the show. In return they gave us free pen ^_^.

The performers line up utk amik gambar bersama dengan audience

Lepas tu kitorang rush nak tengok sunset, but too bad the sunset has long gone sebab skang kan maghrib awal.

Pastu kitorang dok pusing2 situ sesambil snap pictures. View building ni time malam adalah sangat cantik!

Image dekat lekuk2 building tu sebenarnya adalah image ombak tengah beralun 

Sebelum balik, weols pegi intai2 dulu other facilities.

 Ada surau yg selesa disini

Toilet luas

 The parking lot

Lapo dah, jomlah balik, kita gi pekena asam pedas plak ^_^ 

Cantik sangat fishscale design camnih 

One last picture from the parking lot

For more info about Encore Melaka, boleh lah tengok kat mana2 link kat bawah ni

Encore Melaka :

They are having a promotion for MyKad holders until end of the year so untuk sapa2 yg nak bawak anak2 berjalan ke Melaka masa cuti sekolah nanti, boleh la consider utk pegi ke sini.

Bought myself one fridge magnet sebagai kenangan. The pen is free though, dapat lepas fill up feedback form

Encore Melaka taken from St.Paul's Hill

This wraps up my entry pasal Encore Melaka. Do check out this place if you happen to be in Melaka. The place is open for public so feel free to go even if you are not going for the show. Too bad I was there only for the weekend so tak sempat nak pegi lagi sekali for sunset hunting. Tahun depan kita ripit lagik ye!