November 29, 2011

Pre-Korea Winter trip - Part 1

Yeahhhhh... i'm going to Seoul again next year... for 7 days.... nak rase winter plak kan... kekdahnye semua musim nak rase... hahahah... baru balik bulan lepas, bulan ni dah terhegeh2 nak kene wat itinerary utk this trip pulak... roughly, camni la rupe itinerary aku nanti...

macam2 tempat nak pegi kan, padahal time tu tengah winter... kalau dapat pegi half of the mentioned places pun dah kire ok tu... huhuh....


  1. salam..mcm kenal...azra , rasanya kita pernah jumpa kat MUREE.. :) ...cantik gmbr2 u..

  2. Alifahhh... ingat ingat... gambar biase2 jer... takde nak repeat korea ker..? hehehe

  3. Dear, senang x nak pergi ke full house tu?ferry nak ke sana mahal x?

  4. Amanda, kitorang aritu tak pegi pun... sebab plan sudah lari ... kalo nak info, bleh tengok kat blog cik fida kite
