August 11, 2012

Another year older ...

Pejam celik pejam celik, sedar2 umur dah bertambah lagik setahun... huhuhu... iyer, umur saye mmg sudah ala2 nak masuk middle age yer kengkawan .... but do i feel old? errr... not really .... in my heart, i always feel like i'm 20 ... mmg terase young forever gitu ... padahal badan dah tak semantop dulu, sendi2 segala sudah ade bunyik2 aneh.... rambut pun dah start berubah kaler... hahahhaha....

As usual, birthday month, selalu dapat freebies... i like .... i wish every month is my birthday month ( wish org tamak ni ) ... hahaha

Tengah dok pk nak beli ape...

Spiderman mmg best!!!

Eskrem satu scoop pun jadik la

Ape2 pun, syukur kerana masih lagik dipanjangkan umur and hoping that this coming year will bring more joy to my life ... aminn...

My birthday wish this year : Nikon V1 ... tengah tunggu kot2 ade org nak bagi sedekah , amik berkat bulan pose ... ^_^


  1. Epi besday azra!!baru middle age,muda lagi tu...mudah-mudahan,tercapailah besday wish tahun nih.pastu,mesti semua gambar gempak :)

  2. selamat hari jadi azra!!! semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki slalu. hehe. have a great year!

  3. Happy birthday! :D For more trips to come!

  4. Happy Birthday! Tgh duk berangan kat Nikon V1 gam ni. Sapa la baik hati blh tolong belikan.Hehe.

  5. Happy Belated Birthday Azra!!

  6. Happy birthday Azra..Wishing u many happy returns... looks like we r of the same age...;)
