January 29, 2013

Goodbye cik City

I bid goodbye to my 10-year old car ... you've served me well ... tak penah rosak sekali pun  ... when i bought you, i was having a thought of settling down and having a family of my own ... i've already pictured you with my kids and my other half and we were cruising on the highway to our yearly holiday ... but things turned out differently for me and i'm sorry i never get to realize that dream :( ... hope you'll have a new life with the new owner ... who ever that may be ...

Now it's time for me to move on and leave all those hopeless thoughts behind ... let's make some new memories with Miss JZ ... yeahhh, let's go green everyone!!!


  1. Uit, jangan la cakap hopeless...
    Bila nak mai ronda penang dgn cik jz..norh nak jd co-pilot ni..he he

  2. @Norh, aku ngeri drive kat Penang ... hahaha....

  3. honda tetap jd pilihan kan :-) jm pun suka honda tp belum mampu nk miliki huhuhu

  4. caya lah azra...kalau aku nampak miss jz kaler ijau ni kat highway, memang aku kejor ler...tak ramai yang pakai kaler ni, heheh...cium side mirror sikit2 apa salahnya kan :)

  5. Wawawa cik kodok belaan baru :P

  6. nice one..aku pun kalau nampak cik jz ijau menyerlah ni,aku honnnnn kuat-kuat..hehe
