April 03, 2013

Pre-Korea Spring trip - Part 3

I managed to grab this free shuttle bus to Jeonju for my upcoming trip. Thank god i stumbled upon the reservation page on the first day it was launched and i quickly made the booking. The ticket allocation is actually by ballot system and my name just happen to be one of the lucky 35 for the date that I've chosen ( only 35 passengers per bus ride). However, I haven't done any research on what to do and where to go in Jeonju and I'm pretty much tied up with office work at the moment :(

For those who want to try their luck in getting the free bus ticket, you can refer to this link :

This Free Shuttle Bus will be in service until August and it runs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so all the best!


  1. Klu gi ramai2 ssh jgk la kan nk dapat satu bas?

  2. Ha'ah, kalau reramai susah sket sebab sorang bleh book 2 tiket jer... cube2 la book , who knows kot2 dapat...

  3. Azra...bestnya dpt free. Nak try gak lah. Kena spend 1 day lah kan untuk ke sana.

  4. @Zila, ha'ah mmg day trip... cube2 la apply.... sebab bas nye mmg satu tu jer...

  5. bagus info ni azra, kalau nak terjah lain kali, boleh try...tapi kalau salah seorang dapat aku or wife aku, payah jugak, kena dua-dua dapat baru syok, hehe...

  6. til august for every year eh, klau mcm tu x leh after ogos klau nk eh

    mmg lucky tul Azra :-)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. korea, dah lama tak gi (macam ler slalu dok pegi) ehhehehhe.... lain kali kene ikut tips nih
