August 11, 2013

I turned 26 today!!!

Hahahaha.. okeh kasik can aku perasan 10 years younger yer...

Disebabkan jatuhnye besdayku ni di awal bulan syawal, maka celebrationnye adelah sesi kehulu ke hilir pegi kenduri kawin pastu mlm kitorang satu family layan citer Istanbul Aku Datang kat astro ... what a great celebration ... syukur dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki yg melimpah ruah and masih lagik dapat menikmati raya dengan my whole family ... semoga ape yg telah diturunkan oleh-Nya berkekalan and still hoping for a promising future ... amin ...

So what did i get myself for this birthday? Ngeh ngeh ngeh... a short trip to ...errr..somewhere... :)

Since 40 is not that far away anymore, aku dah target places aku nak pegi and things i want to do before i hit that number

1) Taking Glacier Express in Switzerland

2) Ronda Jeju for a week in spring

3) Aku nak sangat pegi Shanghai

4) Last but not least, Tokyo here I come!!!

Semoga rezeki berpanjangan and dapat la pegi at least one or two places mentioned above ( Tokyo is already in the making.. hoyehhh!!)  ... amin


  1. To the owner of the blog...

    happy birthday and may all the wishes come true!!!!

    Eid mubarak and may Allah bless you!

  2. 26 already..eheehehh...muda lagi tu..opssss...JM tersalah rupanyaa..tak per2..still muda lagi..hepy belated besday Azra..In Sha Allah semoga impian nak ke semua tempat tu tercapai coz all this dream too :-)

  3. happy belated birthday, Azra..

  4. happy birthday to the owner of's blog.

    nak ikut jalan-jalan pleaseee...

  5. kemain 26 eh..hehe Ni ahkak aza nak wish..Heppi birthday,semoga panjang umur dan selalu dimurahkan rezeki...

    Orang lain buat wishlist,nak handbag la..kasut la..ipad,ipon..uolls nak TRAVEL je eh..hehehe

  6. Happy birthday to you! May your dreams come true.. amin.. :)

  7. Happy birthday Azra, may all your dreams come true!

  8. happy belated birthday, azra... mudah2an tercapai semua wishlist tu, ameen.. =)

  9. Happy Besday Azra..
    And Slamat Hari Raya
    Kalau g Shanghai....mau join bolehh?

  10. happy belated birthday. sweet 26 ^^)

  11. Hepi belated besday.. tok maghi doh dumoh jale2...buleh wi kek seketui! :P

  12. Happy belated birthday....... salam kenal dari MSP....

    bestnya kalau dapat terjah tempat yang diidamkan tu

  13. Happy Belated 26th Birthday!hehehe Wah ada wishlist tu mmg terbaik!Lagi2 yg kat swiss tu...hehehe best!

  14. Happy Belated Bbday Azra! Have a great yearr! aku pn teringin nak pegi shanghai!

  15. ohh.. birthday ya? happy belated birthday! may ur wish come true! ^__^

  16. happy birthday!! insyaAllah, leh capai sume wishlist tu...amin!

  17. Hepi belated besday..mudo sethn jah dr ambo..hehe ;) buleh jd geng perabih pitis round donia nih ngee
