September 19, 2014

Naejangsan, wait for me!

Autumn foliage forecast is here. Sape2 yg nak terjah South Korea in autumn nanti, do check out this forecast ... untung la korang kalo sampai time peak foliage ... for Seoul area, follow Bukhansan punye date ... 

And i'm hoping to catch this kinda of view at Naejangsan ... Amin.

Pic taken from this blog


  1. Lawa wehh!
    Semoga ko dpt ambik gamba cun2 utk tepek sinih!

  2. Aku jeles in advance dulu. Fare semua dah xde mercy kat aku beb. Aku aminkan doa si niL. Semoga banyak gambar untuk ditatap. Eh paling penting, semoga ko bertemu daun oren-merah-jingga tu.

  3. penah skali jumpe autumn view yg lawa mase tu kat bucheon incheon..gilos lawa T T..perhaps satu ari nak balik kampung time peak autumn..musti cun gilos

  4. Naejangsan? Come come i wait for u. Amoiiii kwn Jm sorang nih nk berautumn pulak uolsss bestnnya

  5. maaaak aih cantiknya !! lepas tu geguling kat daun maple..!! oooomo omooo yeppo..!!
