Nuffnang Ads
July 25, 2011
July 23, 2011 ... keeping track of my package
My package is already in M'sia.. yeaaa..... now let see if i'll get any notification from custom for custom declaration...
July 22, 2011
Amazon.Com .. first timer
Kelmarin i was bored to death kat opis... tapi keje banyak menimbun2 sebenarnye... dateline to catch lagik.. tapi sebab boring gilos, pegi la browse2 .. sekali ku ternampak wristlet Tumi yg sangat2 murah... hati pun meronta2 nak beli.. lepas did some survey on customs declaration, taxes and stuff, aku pun mengorder la beg itu dari ... this is my first time ordering things from from M'sia.. dulu2 mase kat states, mmg dah selalu buat.... meja study pun order online.. hahaha.. so the wristlet tu reganye USD39 saje.. tapi shipping & handling plak rega dlm USD35 ... total semua dlm USD74++ .... kalau ikutkan ape yg aku bace on the net, any items ordered from overseas worth not more than RM500 ( harga barang + shipping) takkan dikenekan cukai... so barang aku tu mmg tak sampai 500 pun... few minutes after aku submit order, org bank dah call aku to confirm the transaction ... total semua RM225.16 ... rate 1USD = RM3.002 ... which i think still ok laa.. so now aku menunggu dengan debaran laa... tentatively my package should be delivered sometime between 25/7 - 27/7 ... it is being sent via DHL so boleh keep track of the package...

harap2 package ku ini selamat sampai ke tangan aku without any notis from encik kastam... amin...
harap2 package ku ini selamat sampai ke tangan aku without any notis from encik kastam... amin...
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